1. Types of Manuscript
Types of manuscript published by Journal of the Korean Ecological Engineering Society include Research Paper, Review Paper, Technical Note, and Scientific Information dealing with diverse subjects and information on ecological engineering. The submitted manuscript should have not been published elsewhere such as other scientific journals, publishers or electric media, and also not currently under consideration for publication.
2. Manuscript Writing
2.1 Writing format
A manuscript should be written in both Korean or English. It is highly recommended to use Hangul Word file for Korean and Microsoft Word file for English if editing of the text for typesetting is required. Manuscript must be written with Sinmyungjo font, a 10-point font size and 180% spacing between lines for Korean, and with Arial font, a 10-point font size and double spacing between lines for English.
2.2 Size
A manuscript should be prepared less than 20-printed pages by including all contents such as main text, figures, tables and references.
2.3 Composition
2.3.1 Korean article
Korean article should be comprised of title, author names, affiliations in Korean first, and then duplicate them in English, which typically includes an Abstract and Keywords in English, and Introduction, Material and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgements in Korean, and finally References.
2.3.2 English article
English article should be comprised of title, authors, affiliations in English first, and then duplicate them in Korean, which typically includes an Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Material and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgements, and finally References.
2.3.3 The Results and Discussion sections may be combined into one section, if needed.
2.4 Title
The title should be concise, accurate and informative to represent all contents of the manuscript. The first alphabet of the title and proper nouns (name, place name, etc.) should be written in capital letters.
2.5 Author names and affiliations
Author names with different affiliations should be marked with superscript Arabic numbers (1, 2, 3, etc.) right above on their names for their identification. The corresponding author should be indicated with super script asterisk (*) right above on his/her name. In addition, his/her email address is disclosed at the bottom of the first printed-page of the manuscript.
2.6 English abstract and keywords
English Abstract should be written concisely and clearly less than 250 words. Keywords should be listed within six words with the Alphabetical order.
2.7 Text
Each title of Text should be indicated with Arabic numbers (e.g., 1 Introduction, 2 Materials and Method, 3 Results and Discussion and 4 Conclusion).
2.8 Units, abbreviations, numerals, parenthesis and symbols
① All units should be separated from the front number other than °C, % and coordinate (e.g., 15 mg/L, 33 psu, 20°C, 31%, 127°32′E, etc.).
② Special characters such as ㎕, ㎤, ㎜, ㎞, etc. should not be used throughout text. Instead, use Alphabetical characters such as µL, cm3, mm, km, etc.
③ All acronyms should be spelt out the first time they are used in text. Thereafter, the acronym can be used alone, if appropriate [e.g., Eco-Efficiency Index (EEI)].
④ Full Latin names of species should be used when they are first used in text, at the first of a sentence, or at the legends of figures and tables. Thereafter, the abbreviated species name can be used, if appropriate.
⑤ A parenthesis should be separated from the front word [e.g., 2 µm-polycarbonate filter (Millipore, USA)]
⑥ Logic symbols such as +, -, ±, ≥, etc. should be separated from both front and back words (e.g., 3 ± 0.2, p < 0.05, etc.).
⑦ The range symbol, ‘-’ should be used between numbers instead of ‘~’ (e.g., 10-13; ‘10 - 13’ means ‘10 minus 13.’)
2.9 Figures and tables
Figures and tables should be arranged according to the orders in Text with Arabic numbers. Their legends and explanations must be written in English even for Korean manuscript. They should have enough resolution to be clearly understood after printing. Their legends and explanations should be understandable by themselves even without referring the text. The legends are placed below figures and above tables. Only the first character is written in the capital letter. The figure that contains more than two images or photographs should be differentiated by small letters [e.g., (a), (b), (c), etc.] and subtitles. The position in which each figure or table is inserted in the text should be consecutively indicated.
e.g.) Fig. 1. Distribution of coastal wetlands in major estuaries of Korea. (a) Han River Estuary, (b) Nakdong River Estuary, (c) Keum River Estuary.
e.g.) Table 1. Physicochemical characteristics of riparian areas in the lower reach of the Han River in 2009
e.g.) Main wetlands in Korean coasts are distributed at the estuaries of Han, Nakdong and Geum rivers (Fig. 1).
2.10 References
2.10.1 Citations in the text
① Last/family names are used in Korean and English article with the publication year.
② Both author names are given, when two authors are involved.
③ Only the first author name is given, when more than two authors are involved, and followed by et al.
e.g.) according to Jorgensen (2001), Odum and Odum (2000)
e.g.) in the studies of Costanza et al. (1997, 2003)
e.g.) in the previous studies (Martin et al., 2006; Woodward and Wui, 2001)
2.10.2 Listing method of references
①References are arranged in Korean alphabetically for Korean article and in alphabetically for English article.
②References with the same first author name are arranged the alphabetical orders of the second and third authors. References with the same authors are arranged in the order of publication years. References with the same authors and publication years are arranged in Alphabetical order of the titles of the articles.
③Two or more articles by the same author(s) are listed chronologically; two or more in the same year are indicated by a, b, c, etc.
④All author or editor names are listed for an article or book, but the project director is only listed for a research report.
⑤Journal names are all spelt out (e.g., Ecological Engineering)
2.10.3 Writing method of references
①An article in the journal is given in the order of authors. publication year. title. journal name, volume no. and pages.
e.g.) Mitsch, W.J. and J.W. Day. 2006. Restoration of wetlands in the Mississippi-Ohio-Missouri (MOM) River basin: experience and needed research. Ecological Engineering, 26: 55-69.
②An article in the Proceeding is given in the order of authors. publication year. (editors), title. conference, publisher, city and pages.
e.g.) Mitsch, W.J. 1977. Energy conservation through interface ecosystems. In: A. Rocco, R.A. Fazzolareand C.B. Smith (eds.), Energy Use Management. Proceeding soft he International Conference, Pergamon Press, Oxford, pp. 875-881.
③An article in the book is given in the order of authors. publication year. title. editor, book title. publishing agency or publisher, city and pages.
e.g.) Jorgensen, S.E. and F. Muller. 2000. Ecosystems as complex systems. In: S.E. Jorgensen and F. Muller (eds.), Handbook of Ecosystem Theories and Management. Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton, pp. 5-20.
④A book is given in the order of authors. publication year. book tile. publishing agency or publisher, city and pages.
e.g.) Kadlec, R.H. and R.L. Knight. 1996. Treatment Wetlands. CRC Press, Boca Raton, 893 pp.
⑤Master or doctoral thesis is given in the order of author. publication year. title. degree, agency, city and pages.
e.g.) Tilley, D.R. 1998. Energy basis of forest systems. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Florida, Gainesville, 296 pp.
⑥A report is given in the order of author. publication year. title. report number, agency, city and pages.
e.g.) Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs. 2008. Ecosystem survey of coastal wetlands. Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs, 382 pp.
⑦Information of the website is given in the order of authors. publication year. website title and Uniform Resource Locator (URL) (access date).
e.g.) Water Resources Management Information System (WAMIS). 2006. http://www.wamis.go.kr. (1st Jan. 2016)
3. Manuscript Submission
Authors are encouraged to submit manuscripts anytime to a journal’s online manuscript submission system which is available at the homepage of the Korean Ecological Engineering Society (http://www.keesociety.or.kr).
4. Peer-Review, Acceptance and Revision
①Editor-in-chief of Editorial Board are responsible for the acceptance of the submitted manuscript.
②The revision of the manuscript is only allowed to the first draft. In principle, it is limited to correct the manuscript without typo errors.
③The manuscript that does not meet Editorial Policy will be returned without review.
5. Charges for Review and Publication
①Authors have to pay charges for review on the submitted manuscript submission and production charges for publication.
②The charges for Review is 40,000 won in Korean currency per manuscript and production charges for publication is 10,000 won for the first eight pages and 20,000 won for additional published page each.
③Charges for express review is 80,000 won in Korean currency per the submitted manuscript and the production charges for publication is 20,000 won for the first eight pages and 40,000 won for additional published page each.
④Authors have to pay actual cost for color pages.
⑤Authors are supplied for twenty free offprints, and have to pay actual cost for additional printings.
6. Others
Other editorial policies that are not described in this Instructions for Authors are delegated to Editorial Board.